Subscription Categories and Rates

By becoming a Fellow, you are enabling us to continue supporting the study and enjoyment of Scotland’s past while accessing the many benefits of Fellowship.

The following annual subscription rates were agreed by Fellows at the Anniversary Meeting on 30 November 2022 and are applicable from 1 July 2023.

(The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (PSAS) is the leading peer-reviewed journal of Scottish history and archaeology in wider context).

Ordinary with hardcopy PSAS – £100
Receive full Fellowship benefits.

Ordinary with digital PSAS – £90
Receive full Fellowship benefits.

Over 65 with hardcopy PSAS  – £78
Receive full Fellowship benefits.

Over 65 with digital PSAS  – £68
Receive full Fellowship benefits.

Early Career £45
For those who are i) aged under 31 at their election, or ii) have graduated within the preceding 5 years at their election. For clarity, those moving to Early Career Fellowship from another type (for example Student Fellowship) are eligible for this membership for 5 years after their graduation date. (On reaching 31 years old or 5 years after graduation such persons will no longer be eligible for this subscription and move to another membership type). Receive digital-only versions of the PSAS and Newsletters, and otherwise entitled to full Fellowship benefits.

Under 26 / Student / Unemployed£25
For Fellows who are under the age of 26 at their election, full-time matriculated students or unemployed. (On reaching 26 years old or on graduating or starting employment such persons will no longer be eligible for this subscription and move to another membership type). Receive digital-only versions of the PSAS and Newsletters, and otherwise entitled to full Fellowship benefits.

Family Fellow £45
For Fellows who normally reside at the same address as a Fellow paying Ordinary or Over 65 subscription rate. Receive digital only versions of the PSAS and Newsletters, and otherwise receive full Fellowship benefits.

The following annual subscription rates were agreed by Fellows at the Anniversary Meeting on 30 November 2024 and will be applicable from 1 July 2025.

Ordinary with hardcopy PSAS – £105
Ordinary with digital PSAS – £94
Over 65 with hardcopy PSAS  – £82
Over 65 with digital PSAS  – £71
Early Career – £47
Under 26 / Student / Unemployed – £26
Family Fellow – £47