Grants & Awards
The Society supports high-quality research and publication relating to Scotland’s past by making several grants and awards each year.
Grants are available on a competitive basis, to help cover the costs of archaeological and historical research relating to Scotland. Reports from some of the projects which have received grant funding from the Society can be found here on the Society website.
Grants are generally made on the recommendation of the Grants and Awards Committee and the approval of the Society’s Council. More information on the criteria of individual grants and how to apply is available below.
There are now two annual closing dates for grant funding applications: the 30th April and the 30th November each year.
The Society also awards three prizes for papers published in the Proceedings, one annually and the other two alternating biennially. The shortlists for the awards are selected by the Editorial Advisory Board and the winners are selected by the Grants and Awards Committee.
In addition, every three years, both Fellows and non-Fellows are invited to put forward nominees for the Dorothy Marshall medal, which is then awarded by the Society’s Council.
The Dalrymple Donaldson Fund
For grants relating to “the judicious restoration and repair of buildings of historical and antiquarian interest in Scotland, England, France, Spain, Italy, Germany and Greece but especially in Scotland” please apply to The Dalrymple Donaldson Fund.
There are now two annual closing dates for grant funding applications: the 30th April and the 30th November each year.