Book Reviews
Our Fellows are offered the chance to review publications that may be of interest to the Society.
Reviews will be published on this page and are copyright of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and the individual authors. The Society reserves the right to remove any review article.
Please find a list of titles that are currently available for review below, and our three most recent books for review in bold on the right. If you are interested in reviewing one of these books, please email referencing the publication you would like to review, providing your address and giving a summary of your own credentials.
We also request that any review copies are returned, where possible, for deposit in the National Museums Scotland Research Library to ensure their availability for Fellows and the public.
Books currently available for review:
Moss, R and Pulliam, H (eds) 2024: Irish and Scottish Art, c. 900–1900. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Oram, R D 2024 Standing on the Edge of Being: Scotland 1850–COP 26. Edinburgh: Birlinn
Oram, R 2024 Where Men No More May Reap or Sow: The Little Ice Age: Scotland 1400–1850. Edinburgh: Birlinn.
Sarah, G and Potterton, M 2023 Town & country: perspectives from the Irish Historic Towns Atlas. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy
Copper, M, Whittle, A and Sheridan, A 2023 Revisiting Grooved Ware Understanding Ceramic Trajectories in Britain and Ireland, 3200–2400 cal BC. Oxford: Oxbow books
Macdonald, A, and Warwick, C 2023 The History of Veterinary Education in Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Shakespeare, C et al 2023 Eilean Donan Castle: Exploring a Highland Icon, Archaeological Research Excavations 2009–2017. Oxford: Oxbow books
Serjeantson, D 2023 The Archaeology of Wild Birds in Britain and Ireland. Oxford: Oxbow books
Sadler, J 2023 Crucible of Conflict, Three Centuries of Border War. Dunbeath: Whittles Publishing
Horne, T, Pierce, E, and Barrowman, R 2023 The Viking Age in Scotland: Studies in Scottish Scandinavian Archaeology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
The most recent publications offered for review are:
Moss, R and Pulliam, H (eds) 2024: Irish and Scottish Art, c. 900—1900. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Oram, R D 2024 Standing on the Edge of Being: Scotland 1850–COP 26. Edinburgh: Birlinn
Hanson, W S, Jones, R E and Hannon, N 2024 Exploring the Antonine Wall with Terrestrial Remote Sensing. Oxford: Archaeopress